Billing control

The invoices your organisation receives can be complex, with different rates, charges and other cost items. By having the invoices checked by Energie Excellent, you can be sure that you only pay for what you actually consume, and that the invoices are always correct!

In the past, it has been found that many mistakes are made in energy billing, metering charges and grid operator invoices. A shame if you ask us! Our energy specialists are ready for you to check all these invoices, using our platform EAB Digital, to identify the savings needed.

Our system automatically checks invoices


Assurance that invoices are correct.

Understanding annual consumption over the years

Structural savings

The tool we have developed within our platform checks for various points, such as:

  • The accuracy of tax payments
  • Consumption and generation i.c.w. the amount billed by the supplier and/or grid operator (NB: provided smart meters are used)
  • Connection capacity
  • Excesses in consumption
  • Opportunities to save on measurement costs

To check your invoices, all we need is an authorisation signed by you. This allows us to request the invoices from the energy supplier, if you are a wholesale consumer, otherwise we request the invoices from the grid operator.

If errors are found, you will receive a detailed advisory report, and we will help you recover overpayments.

Besides the audit, we also offer the budget tool with this service. Curious? Then quickly read on!

Our customers

Feel free to contact us

Visiting address

Maanweg 174 2516AB
The Hague
Carrer d'Aribau 191
08021 Barcelona


Phone number


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